2011년 1월 10일 월요일

Writing Chain *** "Girls Are Not Smarter Than Boys" by Class 21 Jacob Hwang

````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````Hello my name is Jacob and I want to thank you for coming to my blog!!!!
Before I start I want to explain what wirting chain is wirting chain is a S.A that you fist start then later you change it with a other student and they will continue the story.
I wrote about why girls are not smarter than boy I wanted to have good reason, but I was disappointed of the reasons others gave. However I liked it anywhy. So here is my S.A.

 If it can be said that " girls are smarter than boys they have got it all wong. there is many reason to support it.
 Well first everone is same there is no differences in boys and girls. It is just that they don't try hard enough. I really don't know why the word 'lady first' came out. Then how about gentle men first. However I like to say that if boys try hard enough boys could be much better than the girls.

 Secondly long time ago womens were considered in a very low level so they could not study and was not allowed to by smarter than boys then. When did this changed because long ago will were very smart kind and had all the good jobs but now if you see the streets the most of the homeless are boys. So I think that boys should try more hard to resive the rebution that we used to have.

 Also I really want to say that there is many students who are girls but doesn't study well. In my class who are girls but is really bad at studying. also the best student in my class is not a girls but a boy and untill the 3rd place it is all boys. This clearly shows that girls are no better than boys.

My partents all ways say to me that "girls are better at studying because they don't play games." However this is not true at all 90% of girls play viedo games.

In concusion I think that people should stop saying that girls are better than boys because of the reasons above reasons. I think that boys should try to study harder so they will think boys are better
                                                   Thank you

댓글 3개:

  1. I'm Jiwhan. I totally agree!! most of the people say girls are better than boys, but I say boys are smarter!!!!!!! Hurray for Jacob!!!

  2. Good Evening Jacob~
    Of coures I agree with you but they are all the same. There's no better and worse between girls and boys I think.

  3. Hey good job jacob yeah youare right girls are not smarter than boys by the way hey nuts you alway say good evening/morning/afternoon you say it even in debate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
