2011년 1월 18일 화요일

Ode Dear Red Card

Dear Red Card
Before you appeared  my life was happy and joyful.
However when you appear you make people miserable and dark.
You make my brains go mad by making  me sign it.
If the green card is heaven you are like the hell.
You stay in the PA's pocket were it is dark but when you see a light you bring that darkness with you.
You torture us until the end of the camp by  special training.
I hope you disappeared from the world and left us the way it used to be when you don't have to worry about getting special  training.
Without you there will be a peace on Earth.
I want to rip you in to thousandths of shreds and burn to and send your ash to the space.
Nobody likes you if you are alive you give tons of stress to all the people in the world.
Only joyfulness that you give is only to the PAs. 
You hunt in my dreams and make my sweet dreams to a nightmare.
If you ever come up to me again right away I will get rid of you what ever I have to do.

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