2011년 1월 11일 화요일

S.A.T. Style Reflective Essay: "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring"

Hello I am Jacob Hwang from class 21. After watching that film I think the teacher is trying to tell the student about death and how important life is. In the movie the student ties rocks on to the fish frog and snake. At first he did it for fun but later he regate that he did that because the fish and the snake was dead. I have some exprince like this. It was when I want to my grand praients house there was alot of insect so I killed alot of them but now that I think of it I think I was just to cruel to those small things.
 Also many of us haven't exprinced death yet but because he exprinced it in a very young ageI think that it would have been very good lesson to him. In my opionion I think that when you learn something in a young age it is very hard to forget about it when I was younger I relize how important money in life by stealing it from my grand mother. And I still remember it.
 I know how he would have felt when he saw the fish and snake was all dead. In America there was alot of ducks and gooses and they would come to the road and get hitten by cars and die. When I saw those birds I felt very sorry to see that they were dead even though it wasn't because of me. Because he

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